A song came on the satellite kids radio station we were listening to
while traveling with 3 of our GRAND kids this past weekend, that Brian
and I rated "JUST GREAT!!!". I had pulled out my notebook and scribbled
down the name of the singer and the song. I was sure I could find it
on YouTube or something and share it with all of my facebook 'friends'
that I know are Harry Potter fans.
I searched and I searched, but could not find one good link to share
;-\ However, through persistence, I did come up with a way for you to
get the overall just of it. [for the record, I am not techie enough to
know if you can do this on your smart phones, or if you will have to get
to a full computer to do so, but I think it will be worth your effort
to do whichever way it takes ;->]
First, open up a screen/tab for this web address - http://www.stevegoodie.com/kids/lyrics02.html
Scroll down quite a ways to the section with the dark blue back ground.
The lyrics for the first song in that section is "Quidditch Ball
Wizard". Don't start reading the words quite yet...
Second, open up an additional screen/tab for this web address - http://www.madmusic.com/song_details.aspx?SongID=508 in
the gold square on the left, click to 'play sample'. Then QUICKLY
switch back to the first screen/tab you had opened and read the lyrics
while the music plays. Seeings how it's only a sample, the whole song
does not play, but it plays enough for you to get a feel for the song
and have it keep playing in your head while you finish reading the
"That magically inclined kid, sure plays a mean quidditch ball!"
For purposes of giving credit where credit is due, the name of the song is "Mean Quidditch Ball" and it was written and performed by Steve Goodie. It is a Parody of "Pinball Wizard" by The Who.