We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4 generations

    So, I took this idea I came across on Pinterest, and with the guys cooperation, did this version of it. 

Started out with this picture Benson had taken for me, of (then) 18 months old Elliot.

then Brian took this picture of Byron, holding the picture of his son Elliot.
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then Benson took this picture of Brian, holding the picture of his son Byron, who was holding the pictue of Brian's GRAND son Elliot.
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and we all love this picture of Grandpa 'Honey' (it so captures 'him' :->), holding the picture of his son Brian, holding the picture of g-pa's GRAND son Byron, holding the picture of G-pa's GREAT GRAND son Elliot.
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Each time we took the pictures to Wal-Mart and had them made into 16 x 20 size prints (available under 'poster size prints') 

The finished framed prints were 'Fathers Day' gifts to all the guys. Cyndi got a copy to hang in her house too.

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