We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

a compliment :-)

     Brian had stopped at Meijer's on his way home from work yesterday and as he walked into the kitchen with bags in his hands, he looked around and smiled (there was actually room to set the bags on the counter!) and said, "I see you were feeling better today" :-)
     I replied, " 'Were' being the key word there. I worked myself into quite a state of dizziness again."

     Brent has been sick since Sunday night. The stay on one couch, use a bucket occasionally, "can you get my towel cold and wet again?", "can't we use the meat thermometer to take my temp.?" type of sick.
     Those of you that know Brent, knew immediately after reading the "stay on one couch" part that he must REALLY be sick. That is not like Brent at all!!!
     And for the record, yes, the meat thermometer stuck into his mouth (NOT into his cheek or tongue ;-p) surprisingly did work. Or at least it registered 101 while in there. And yes, it has now been thourally sterilized again!!!!!
     So I had been up most of Tues. night with him. I headed up to bed as Brian came down to get ready for work Wed. morning.
     Sun., Mon., and Tues. I had also been battling severe cramps, most likely hormonal based ....

      I had gotten back up early yesterday afternoon to use the bathroom, and just could not handle the condition of the kitchen a minute longer. So I attached!!! But emptying the sinks, loading the dishwasher, emptying counters, rinsing and stacking non dishwasher items, replacing the trash bag, etc., involves LOTS of turning and turning and bending and pretty soon I was dizzy again!!! The good news was/is, it took that long to get to that level this time :-) I am progressing in the right direction!!! :-D

     But I had done all of that AND he had noticed! YES!!!!!

     Later, while I was trying to put an empty pop bottle in the garbage bag hanging from the door jam to the pantry, the bag came loose. Falling bag, empty bottles shooting out of the bag every which way, me instinctively trying to catch all of it at once ..... my 'dizziness' went to "OH NO!!" I weaved my way out of there and to a secure corner as fast as I could. Poor Brian voluntarily cleaned up after me.
     This morning I am quite a bit better, but not yet to the point I was around noon yesterday. Aw well. I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit more before I attempt tackling that checkbook and bills! Yikes!

     After reading all of this, perhaps you understand why upon a couple of occasions before Brian had changed shifts, he had slid into bed beside me in the morning and asked, "So, how's my beautiful dizzy brunette this morning?" ;-p


  1. It's amazing what a clean how will do for your psyche. Especially when there's sickness in the house!

  2. The feeling of getting something back to order is so rewarding! I cleaned off the top of my piano today, which was beginning to look very cluttered. It looks so nice again.
    by the way, I keep meaning to tell you that I made that strawberry dessert that you posted a while back, with the whipped evaporated milk. It was really good!
    Happy Mother's day!


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