In the process of sorting through lots of stacks of paper recently, I came across two different times that I had written down funny things about our GRAND children. I really need to start doing this on a regular basis. I'm always so sure I'll remember them, only to find that I remember the incident, but not the conversations. Sigh... Here's the two I found -
The first one is a conversation with Elliot. I 'think' he was 3 years old at the time.
" "You're silly" he reples
"I'm not silly" (while I'm thinking I thought we'd conquered that it's okay to be silly).
He continues with, "I'm a secret agent". Then, adding complete sincerity to both his voice and his face, he continued with "Secret agents are NEVER silly!!!" (Guess we'll wait awhile to introduce him to 'Agent 5' 0;-b) "
Also on that paper I had written,
"You're tricky"
"Robots are never tricky. They're hard to find"
Off of the other piece of paper, I think this one was from a couple of years ago too.
"It took Analyse 45 minutes to eat her lunch, 3/4ths of a PB&J sandwich. Oh, her handful of corn chips were long gone. Elliot had eaten all of his sandwich, one quarter of hers and half of his chips. I told her to "hurry up and finish your lunch. It's taking you forever!" From behind me Elliot emphatically says "AMEN!!!" "
They are such FUN!!!
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