We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The 'reception' we hosted for B4 + K - Part 2

    Like I mentioned in "Part 1", we hosted a "light Open House Style Reception" a few weekends after their actual wedding, and invited family and friends. I also mentioned in the earlier posting, how we still managed to include all of the food groups. o;-p. Especially the basic of all food groups - CHOCOLATE!!!!!
    Originally, I had this idea to use my brownie recipe and try to make brownie bites out of them. To do so, I made up the brownie 'dough' (seeings how I'm not sure what the correct technical term for the mixture is).
   Using a well sprayed small scoop, I 3/4ths of the way filled sprayed* mini muffin/cupcake papers
   [About the * - yet again I have no idea where (or I would gladly give them credit), but somewhere along the line of my blog jumping, I read something about how somebody had sprayed the insides of their cupcake papers before filling them and about how much doing so had eased the process of actually eating the cupcake out of the papers. The idea amazingly came to the surface of my brain when I started making these, and I decided I wanted to give it a try. The difference doing so made, was both awesome and amazing !!!! I SHALL be doing this again! ;->  (<-- BONUS TIP THERE)  ]

    I then baked them. Seeings how I was guesstimating on the length of cooking time, I opened the door after about 10 minutes to check on them. They definitely were not done, but they looked amazing! Imagine my shock then when I went back to check on them, and they looked like this.

    "Did they think they were being baked in an old time wood stove and seeings how I had opened the door they had to fall?!" "Bother!!"
    When I told my neighbor/friend Amy about them, she reminded me about how a regular pan of brownies sort of do the same thing. O-Kay.... So I got brave and tried one - delicious!!! Her daughters thought so too. They also dubbed them "Cute!"

    Brent on the other hand, inquired if I actually planned on still serving them when I showed them to them. :-/. Here I was making them for him! Kayla loves my chocolate cake, so the mini cupcakes were for her.

    But Brent prefers brownies. So I had decided to surprise him and make them.... Then Kayla came up with an oh so brilliant (!!) suggestion. We tagged them 'Brownie Cups', squirted whip cream in the fallen part of the top and garnished it with a single semi-sweet chocolate chip.
    People thought they were great!
    The left overs made wonderful rewards to myself for balancing the check books
    And for figuring out and paying the bills
   I would highly recommend you trying them! They would even look cute garnished with a piece of candy corn instead of the chocolate chip.  Just a suggestions mind you... but your welcome to blame me for your trying them yourself. o;-p

[Again, I have no idea how or why her camera came up with the dates on the pictures that it did 8-/]

;-> ~ ~ ;-> ~ ~ ;-> ~ ~ ;-> ~ ~ ;-> ~ ~ ;-> ~ ~   
You might also enjoy these postings -
~ "Party Foods" -
   - #1 - Bean Salsa (also known as "Rugby dip")
   - #2 - 'Polish roses' and Pickle Wraps
   - #3 - Garden Fresh Bruschette
   - #4 - Deviled Eggs
   - #5 - Chocolate Covered Strawberries
   - #6 - Improvised Chili Based Dip Recipe 
   - #7 - Bacon Cheese Ball
   - #8 - My version of Fruit Pizzas

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I 'plan' on linking this particular posting up to:
 ~ "Full Plate Thursday('s)", are hosted by Miz Helen, at 'Miz Helen's Country Cottage' (http://mizhelenscountrycottage.blogspot.com/).  
~ "Foodie Friday('s)" (shall we say # 1?), are hosted by "Gollum" (aka: Michael), at 'Designs by Gollum'  (http://designsbygollum.blogspot.com/)
~ "Bake With Bizzy", hosted at 'Bizzy B Bakes(http://bizzybakesb.blogspot.com/).
 ~ "Sweets For A Saturday", are hosted by Lisa, at 'Sweet As Sugar Cookies' (http://sweet-as-sugar-cookies.blogspot.com/).
and then next week -
  ~  "Kitchen Tip Tuesday('s)", hosted by Tammy, at 'Tammy's Recipes'  (http://www.tammysrecipes.com/).
 ~ "Tuesday's Tasty Tidbits", hosted by Susan, at 'Permanent Posies / Creative Chaos' (http://permanentposies.com/)
 ~ "Totally Tasty Tuesdays", are hosted by Mandy, at 'Mandy's Recipe Box' (http://www.mandysrecipebox.blogspot.com/).
  ~ "Tempt My Tummy Tuesday('s)", are hosted by Lisa, at 'Blessed with Grace'  (http://www.blessedwithgrace.net/).
   ~ "Foodie Wednesday('s)", are hosted by Bibi, at 'Daily Organized Chaos' (http://www.dailyorganizedchaos.com/). 
   ~ "These Chicks Cooked Link Party",
hosted by Katie L, at 'This Chick Cooks' (http://thischickcooks.blogspot.com)


  1. OOPS!!! Guess I need to double check titles too. Sorry!!! Corrected, Fri. am

  2. Your Brownie Cups looks very good. They must have had a great reception. Thank you so much for sharing your great recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you will have a fabulous week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen


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