We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

about cooks ;-p

    I'm sure that at least most of you have heard the line, "Never trust a skinny cook". Back in my 'skinny days', I didn't always appreciate that line ... now-a-days ... well, it's a good excuse anyways o;-p
    Also now-a-days, there is one experience in particular that always comes to our minds when we hear or read that line ... "bless her heart" ... ;-p

   I was just trying to catch up on some of my blogging friend Nan's posts, and something she had blogged about brought another line to mind. "A 'clean' cook is more concerned with the condition of her kitchen, than the taste of the food!"

 (oh, and yes, I am sticking to them!!! o;-p your welcome to join me in doing so ;->)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! More likely I got distracted by blogging and overcooked it, lol!


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