We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

from Monday -

      My doctor's office called on Monday, to let me know that not only had they been able to make me an appointment with the Vertigo clinic, but due to the clinic having just received a cancellation, they were able to make me one for next week Tuesday. :-}
     "And by the way, while they do deal with Vertigo, they are actually a "Balance Clinic". You (I) will be seeing several different doctors / specialists whom will all do their own specialty's tests, the end result of which will help them determine if you are well balanced."
    Go ahead. I know that most of you are just bursting with some wise comment to make. "If I'm well balanced". ... ... ... ... ... This defense knows better than to even try and present any arguments.

~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~

     I had the TV remote sitting on my lap early Monday evening as we were watching TV. (Did you notice that I said I had the remote, and yet 'we' were watching TV. Rare occurrence indeed o;-p) Boo walked up to me, flopped his head down on my lap, effectively turning off the TV. Oh my goodness dog! Chuckle, chuckle.
    Brian and Benson were both amused. Boo does not understand how 'mommies' playing with Boo makes her way dizzier. :-{ I feel so bad!
    Not an hour later, he managed to turn the TV off again. And that time the remote was in my hand. "D O G!!!"
    Brian piped up with, "You thought it was cute when he did it to Brent. You even wrote about it on your blog." grumble, sheesh, sigh, ... Man I hope this all goes away soon (the vertigo that is).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  1. Yay! A great inspiration for us all! :)

  2. "Well Balanced"....LOLLOLOL! Hope your appointment goes well..keeping you in my prayers!


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