We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

the BoUnCiE seat

     Back on Nov. 20th, I had told you about visiting the consignment shop called 'Once Upon A Child' while on one of our 'date day Friday's'. Click HERE if you want to see that particular posting. Yes, it was on our xanga site.
     In that posting, I also promised you that later I would post pictures of our purchase. This is 'later' you know o;-p
     About ten minutes after they arrived here at the end of that week, we put Analyse into her new seat. She had only slept a short while en-route here, and ab-so-lute-ly  h-a-t-e-s being confined in that car seat for very long!!!! She views the thing as a torture seat!!!!! !!!!! I think it is compounded (not only for her, but for many of our young ones) by the fact that until she gets quite a bit bigger, her seat must not only be in the back seat, but it must also face the back of the car. Therefore, all she can really see is the back of the back seat. And the way she is strapped in, she can't lean forward enough to look out the side windows. B-o-r-i-n-g!!! You mix total confinement with that much boring and you get a most unhappy child!!! 8-/
     Once she gets free of the seat, especially if she's been in it for more than twenty minutes (and riding here is w-a-y longer than that!), she wants to move, move, move!!!
     Another thing I should tell you about our little sweetheart, is that she is a lot like her daddy and uncles, in the fact that she gets bored with things extremely quickly (and according to the other grandma, she's also a lot like her mommy in this). Oh my goodness does she. It was 'the norm' that something only entertained her or kept her attention for under ten minutes. Then she was all done with it. Period. Gracious.
     So they had only been here about ten minutes when we put her in the seat thing we had picked up. She moved once. Got a quizzical look on her face and tentatively moved again. And then beaming to the max, that girl took off!!! BoUnCiE, BoUnCiE, BoUnCiE .... for fifty minutes!!! Okay, so she did slow down a bit here and there. But she made no indication what-so-ever of tiring of it for fifty minutes. FIFTY minutes!!! We were amazed!!! Grandpa and Grandma were thrilled that their find had scored like that!!! Her parents were passed thrilled when they learned that 'yes, they could take it home with them'. :-D We just asked that they give it back once she out grew it. They too got kind of bouncy ;-p
     And as for the out-growing it part. The frame is adjustable. It can be set to four different heights. It should last for a while yet. ;->
     When I was there after Christmas, I was totally amazed with how high that six month old girl gets that thing going! Gracious!! She is so-o-o-o strong!!! And there is no denying that BoUnCiE, BoUnCiE noise. Grandma Connie says she can always tell when Analyse is in the thing, by the type of noise coming down through her ceiling ;-p. She told me that she also always says, "That other grandma knew what she was doing when she bought that thing!! :-D W-a-y better than hearing her screaming!"
     I knew that Analyse enjoyed the thing, but just how much she does was made apparent one morning. I had gotten her up, changed her, gotten her dressed, played with her in my arms a bit, etc.. Then she started bouncing a little in my arm. Okay. But then she leaned in front of me looking me straight in the face. I grinned. She moved back and bounced some more. Then leaned forward looking me in the eyes again. She then again moved back, bounced harder, stopped, and leaned forward looking me in the eyes. "Aww ... okay, Grandma gets it, you want to be put in your bouncy seat." She turned her head towards her bedroom door, anticipating us leaving the room. That girl is just too smart for only being six months old!!! She is going to keep us on our toes!
     {Yes Byron, I realize that as of the 4th of Jan. she is now seven months old ;->}
     We went into the kitchen where the bouncy seat currently was, and off she took, beaming ear to ear. So adorable!!!
     Okay, I've talked long enough. Wait. (o;-p) I had forgot to take pictures of the seat, or her in it, when they were here at Thanksgiving, so I took these when I was there after Christmas. Now for the pictures.

Watch out world, I'll be driving soon ;-p

     The toy she is chewing on did not come with the seat. Her smart parents linked them to it. There is no hesitation what-so-ever in her eye to hand (to mouth) coordination. Yup, she keeps us on our toes, already, gracious. ;-p

For the record, Yes, I filed this under the label "the grandchildren". And yes, we currently only have one. And no, there are not any more currently 'on the way'.  This grandma is just sure that someday, there will be more. some-day .... Yes, I can wait. Honest! Right now I am having no trouble following Paul's advice in being content with what I have o;-p

1 comment:

  1. Mark my words, Analyse is going to be a gymnast! She might even get to the Olympics!


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