We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

'communicating', yet not

    "According to almost every 'source' out there, even sources which have totally differing views on everything else, almost in complete unison, it is reported that the biggest problem in relationships/marriages is "communication".
    The thing is, that even when you ARE 'communicating', there can still be mis-communication :-/
    Prime example happened here this past weekend. We WERE communicating! Maybe we just didn't 'communicate' enough info.. Or maybe . . ."

    The above is what I had written as the opening of my posting back on April 1st, 2009. I then proceeded to tell an example that had just happened to us. Over time, I shared several such tales. Seeings how all of them were back on our xanga blog, you can't just access them via a folder/label on this blog. Therefore I looked them up and have linked them here for you :-} Oh, your Welcome! o;-p

- Wednesday, April 01, 2009
- Wednesday, June 17, 2009
- Tuesday, September 29, 2009
- Saturday, October 31, 2009

   Well, you guessed it. We have another 'communicating' tale to tell.
    As we came up to a corner en-route to balance therapy last Monday morning, Brian pulled over into the right turning lane. As he was doing so, I said, "OH-h, don't turn here!!!"
    I hear him say, "okay" with a voice full of puzzlement, as he quickly jerks the van back into the straight through lane.
   "No, not you!" I reply. "I was talking to THEM!" pointing at the car in front of us. They had been driving just under the speed limit the whole way up that street, while acting as though the pot holes (which that section is majorly full of) were land mines about to go off or something. And now they were turning onto our next street too :-[.
    Brian quickly pulls back into the turning lane, apologizing to the guy behind us, whom had started to pull forward when we had swerved out of the lane, but whom now was backing way off and shaking their head. SORRY!!!!!
    The reason Brian had sounded so puzzled when I had said "don't turn here"? From where we were, to not turn there would have meant we would have to take a w-a-y out of the way route, in one form of another, to get to our destination. And while I like a meandering drive upon occasion, when I have an appointment for something, I want to get there via the straightest, or less trafficked method. Especially when I'm already feeling very dizzy!!! And he knows that. So my presumably stating otherwise just didn't make any sense to the poor man. He said later that he had wondered if perhaps I've watched too many episodes of 'Keeping Up Appearances' (a British comedy on PBS), and thought he was 'Richard' or something. ;-p!!!

This has been another episode of 'mis-communication WHILE communicating' 8-/


  1. LOL! Hey, he was listening, even if it was to the wrong thing!
    Sorry I tempted you with d*n*ts. I hardly ever buy them myself, but couldn't pass up the BOGO deal. Do you have Entenmann's in your area? Rich...chocolate...frosted...donuts...

    Oops, sorry! I did it again! They aren't that good. Seriously, you aren't missing anything...


    (But visit me again sometime. I don't always blog about things to eat.)

  2. came via email from Cheryl's dad - "Poor Richard—excuse me---Brian ;-p"


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