We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Monday, June 21, 2010

the Princess has a throne :-)

     Our grand daughter Analyse (pronounced Auna-lease) has very much been the inter-active, very aware of her surroundings type, from the get-go. Honest! She was less than two hours old and wailing for all she was worth while hooked up to all of the monitors in the infant nursery at the hospital, when her thrilled to have her daddy walked in and started talking to her and caressing her. Three of us thrilled to now be grand parents standing outside the nursery window, witnessed her turn her head towards and try to focus her eyes in on her daddy. Wow!
     Over the course of the next two days in the hospital, she would try to focus in on whom ever was holding her. And if she was awake and either of her parents spoke, she would turn her head their direction, no matter whom was holding her, or how far from that parent they were! We were all amazed. And impressed.
     When she was three months old and we were there helping them move, we witnessed that she had up-graded her inter-action. Cyndi's dad (thus Analyse's other grand-pa) and I were sitting taking turns resting and holding her. We'd be talking along (often about her o;->) and she'd suddenly interject babbling talking like sounds. If we verbally responded, she'd smile. We knew that this one was going to keep us on our toes!
     And on it has continued.

     I'd like to pause here and comment about 'my always telling people things' about Analyse. No, I do not think that Analyse is the first grand child ever. Nor am I completely positive that Analyse is the brightest, smartest child ever to be born. However, I do think that she is a very bright adorable little thing!!!! And thus, me being me, I tell others about it. Yes, I know that there are other people out there whom also have adorable grand children. There are also those whom have very bright and/or smart grand children. But I like to talk about mine. That's all. o:-)

      I had told Byron that she was the type of child whom just wanted to see and be a part of everything going on around her. Laying on the living room floor by herself was not acceptable in her book! No, no, no. So they learned to negotiate around her high chair and BoUnCiE seat in the kitchen, or her BoUnCiE seat and other things in the living room.
     Before we had gotten her the BoUnCiE seat, she had already been given a seat which has a rounded, molded plastic base. The seat itself is surrounded by a three to four inch tray which has it's own toys attached here and there, and the seat can be swiveled to face any direction. As soon as Analyse's feet were able to touch the base, she learned to spin that seat so she could better see what ever she was hearing!
     One day as Byron was desperately trying to stay focused on something in particular, but that something wasn't Analyse, he got inspired. One time last summer while a couple of his brothers were there visiting, they had all wandered off garage sailing in the area. It was one of those neighbor hood wide garage sale days. One of the 'treasures' they had found that day, was a large square coffee like table. While it wasn't something I would have nabbed, they liked it. And has it ever proven to be a great find!!
     That day that I was referring to, Byron got inspired to sit Analyse's swivable seat up on top of that table. Up there, she could not only still see him fine, but she could also see out their huge front windows. BINGO!!!
     To this day, that particular seat has remained up there. The table was pushed over so that in the seat, she can see clearly, yet isn't quite close enough to pound on the window.
    While I refer to her as my sweetheart, Byron and Cyndi had dubbed her their princess. They then dubbed her elevated seat 'her throne'. ;-p

     From 'her throne' she watches the trains pass behind the houses across the street. If she is in 'her throne', a car does not pass down the seat with out her quickly swirling to take note of it. The live-in nurse for the elderly person across the street, likes to take her smoke brakes out under a front tree and watch Analyse, and gladly waves back - r-e-p-e-a-t-e-d-l-y... ;-p People out walking their dogs often wave up at her. Young school girls en-route home, usually glance up to see if she is there to be waved at. The antics of the squirrel trotting down the sidewalk with a full ear of corn in his mouth, was not missed. She even giggled at him. From 'her throne', Analyse can view the world, and it is a mutual love affair ;-)

  [as you can see from this shot, she has a good view of the world outside her window.]

      Byron and Cyndi like putting the cling on type of seasonal decorations on the window. Analyse loves them!!! While she doesn't clearly say the word 'pretty', you have no doubt that's what she's saying as she's pointing at them.
      If you go to visit them and park near the end of the driveway, and she sees you, you had BEST wave up at her!!! One time Katie H. had, and didn't, and it took me a minute to figure out whom Analyse was scolding in no un-certain terms. She continued her scolding once Katie entered their apartment. Chuckle, chuckle!!!!

     So, my 'hopefully helpful tip' this particular Monday, is to create a 'throne' for your young ones where they too can see all, both inside and outside of your home, and they too will be content in there for an amazingly long amount of time!

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I 'plan' on linking this particular posting up to:
~ "Homemaker Mondays ... Yours, Mine & Ours", are hosted by Jen, at '11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven' (http://rtheyallyours.blogspot.com/).
~ "Making Your Home Sing Monday('s)", are hosted by Nan, at 'Mom's the Word (I love to hear)' (http://momstheword--livingforhim.blogspot.com/).
~ "Window Views", are hosted by MaryT/TheTeach, at 'Window Views' (http://windowviews2.blogspot.com/).
~ "Wordful Wednesday('s)" (the picture variety), are hosted by Angie, at 'SevEn cLoWn CirCuS' (http://angiescircus.blogspot.com/),


  1. She is indeed a cutie, and I don't think you have to apologize for sharing about your granddaughter ever. After all, it's your blog and you can post what you want, plus every grandparent likes to talk about their grandchildren, right?

    I'm sure I will someday. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Looking in or looking out, your window views post is just fine! Thanks for joining us! Hope to see you next time! :)

  3. She is looking so innocent and she is really very much cute. The both pictures are nice but they are not good to show the beauty of princess.
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