We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Boo's Comical Response ;-b

    The mass majority of the time, if I go in to use the toilet, Boo either follows me in there, or appears shortly after I get in there. Yes, I could make sure the door is shut tighter, it's just that his coming in really doesn't bother me. He seems to come in for two reasons. One is a combination of verifying that that really is where I am and what I'm doing. And the second is because he absolutely loves to have his back and hind quarters scratched. Seriously, he LOVES it!! I will start scratching and he will move so that I am scratching what ever area he's wants scratched most right then. Then he will turn his head and give me the most loving look. :-)
    Yes, I could scratch him when I'm sitting on one of the living room couches. But honestly, it's harder to do in the living room. I either have to lean way forward to do so, or scootch forward. In the bathroom, the toilet is the perfect height. And trust me, it's not wise to scootch forward on it's seat. o;-p
    Yesterday he didn't want scratched much. And one time, after verifying where I was, he didn't wait to be scratched at all. He just turned around, walked over and started sniffing the dirty laundry. He's a dog. He does that often too.
    But this time, as I'm watching him sniff around, he suddenly snaps his head back real quick like, and then shakes it side to side a bit. Then wearing the most disgusted of expressions, he sort of tentatively bends forward, looking, lightly sniffing, at the area he had snapped back from. He again draws back quickly while shaking his head a little. He shoots me this most disgusted of looks before turning and leaving the bathroom.
    By that time, I was laughing. Hard. So I wasn't sure if his disgusted look was about me laughing at him, or about the smell he had encountered. But that did not stop my laughing. See, from my view point, the area he had been sniffing was a variety of colors, until he had gotten to one white spot. A sock. The smell of the sock was what he'd found so revolting. That's funny! And the fact that he'd found it offensive enough to not want to sniff anywhere else, highly comical!!!
    I had tried to re-assure him. In between laughs that is. "I know Boo. Sometimes that's the same response I get, when I come upon some of their socks in the dirty laundry. And I don't even sniff them that close up."  Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle...  ;-p
   For the rest of the day, he still entered the bathroom, but he never sniffed near the dirty laundry again!! Funny dog!!!

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