We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"tidbit" about Chapter 6

     The title of Chapter Six (6) in the book, "PRETTY NEAT - the buttoned-up way to get organized and let go of perfection" (which was co-authored by Alicia Rockmore and Sarah Welch, from 'Get Buttoned Up' ), is:

    Today's exert(s) comes from page seventy four (74), the second to the last paragraph on the page, as well as the first part of the last paragraph on page seventy five (75).
    "Pick a specific time of day, whether it's first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening, and go through your current to-do list and either revive it or make a new one. If you're not in the habit of doing this already, try it for the next thirty days. You'll find that taking five or ten minutes to put your list together, pick priorities, set DND times, and identify warm-up tasks will drastically increase your productivity."
   [I bet they explain what "DND times" and "warm-up tasks" are, elsewhere in the chapter.]

   "To-do lists are important because they transfer thoughts and tasks that take up precious brain space and park them in a safe place. They free your brain to focus on getting things done. ... "

    What methodology do YOU use for making your own 'to-do' lists?  As in, do you write them out on paper? If so, where do you keep the finished list? Do you make them on your computer? If so, do you find that you lose time due to checking other things on-line, while on the computer to check your list? What method works best for you for making your lists?
    Also, do you use any specific method in actually writing the lists? Such as, do you just write the 'to-do' items down as they come to mind, or do you list things in order of priority? Example's: Things that MUST be done that day go near the top of the page, and things that you'd like to squeeze into the day, time permitting, go on the bottom of the page?
    Remember, "The reader who submits the best tip ("organizational tip or short cut") across all participating blogs will also win $250.00."
   Or... leave an "organization tip or short-cut" (comment) about something totally different than what today's 'tidbit' is about. We just ask that you PLEASE leave one! o;-p

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    Reminder: use the "link" in the side bar of our blog, to go back to the original posting which introduced this book and the connected drawings. Then, leave your "organization tip or short-cut" (comment) under that posting. That way it will be counted for our overall number, and they will be sure and find it to consider it in drawing #2. :-)  Thanks!!! ;->

     Brian and Cheryl B.  from,  The Bz House That Love Built

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