We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

remembering a FUN garage sale

    o/~  Long, long, time ago, ...." o/~  [or at least that's the way it seems now ], Byron, Cyndi and Analyse had made a quick trip in and out of town for 'our' Jeannie's wedding. I mentioned this way back then, and promised to tell you more about it. PLEASE tell me that you agree 'late is better than never'. If you don't agree, you can stop reading now. (o;-p)
    Jeannie's wedding (yes, I still plan on doing a posting giving you 'details' on that too), was on Friday, September 10th of this year. The challenge was, that at that point in time, Byron and Cyndi's car was not up to getting them all of the way here, let alone back home again. Due to Jeannie wanting them here just as badly as they wanted to be here for it, a solution was found to the transportation dilemma. Cyndi's mom gave them a ride half way here, where Brian met them and brought them home.
    Of course, there was another catch to the plan. Byron had to work till midnight. So by the time they actually met Brian and then got all of the way here, it was early in the morning! Everybody pretty much went straight to bed. The wedding ceremony was scheduled for three (3) in the afternoon. Immediate sleep was important!
    When we got up about one (1) that afternoon, to start showers, getting dressed, etc.; I found a message on our answering machine from my sister. Around the corner and just a ways down the road from her, some people were having a garage sale. A garage sale which had TONS of infant and up, girls clothing. AND, everything was priced at fifty (50) cents!!
    I thought about it. Talked to Brian about it. Questioned Cyndi on how much of the next size clothing Analyse already had. And then we switched gears!!!
   Everybody was told that if we could be fully dressed for the wedding and out of the door by such and such a time, Dad and I would pay for everybody's orders at McDonald's, which they could eat in the cars, while we swung over and hit the garage sale, before going to the wedding.
   It helped that the garage sale and the ceremony site were in the same general vicinity out of town, and that there was also an McDonald's there as well! Thanks for coordinating all of that Lord!!!
  When we stopped across the street from the garage sale, I got out of our van and Cyndi got out of Brent's car, and we headed over. Both of us wearing full length gowns. With our hair done nicely. Wearing make-up. And jewelry. And the gown that Cyndi was wearing, was one she had worn to a high school prom, made out of a gold shimmery fabric. Very classy looking! We were dressed such and shopping at a garage sale! ;-p
   The hostess of the sale had a wonderful sense of humor! She greets us 'highness-es' in a British type mock accent, thanking us for gracing her humble little sale with our presence. And she was not being all sarcastic! We enjoyed our time there as much as we benefited from having stopped there!!!
    We found the right sized table and started going through it. Actually, a more accurate description would be, we started mounding our arms up with most of the tables contents!!! There was just so-o much CUTE stuff on that table!!! And all of it was in excellent condition!! And seeings how all of it was only going to cost us fifty (50) cents a piece, it was like we had hit the jack-pot!!!!
     While we were looking, the lady had questioned where we were headed to, where we were from, etc.. When she learned that Cyndi had just arrived from out of state, she made a big to-do about traveling that far just to shop at her sale too. ;-) I tell you, we really enjoyed her!!!
     We did do a quick glance around at their non-baby stuff too. But I at least don't remember buying any of that.
    When we were ready to go, the lady had her grown daughter(?) get out a big bag, and had us count the number of items as we bunched them up into the bag. We had seventeen (17) items total. That would have made our total $8.50. But she insisted that our total was only $7.00! She claimed that she had thourally enjoyed our visit. We know we sure had!
    We were very thankful that my sister had clued us into the sale, and that we HAD bothered to go!!
   As for what McDonald's had cost us... Brian and I both thourally agreed that the price had been so worth it, seeings how everybody was ready and out the door on time, and had been fed! Triple win!

     Here is a picture of just a few of the cute clothing pieces we picked up for Analyse at that garage sale.

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