We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"tidbit" about Chapter 1

    Chapter One, "My name is Ishmael ...."  whoops, wrong book. Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle ... o;-p

    The title of Chapter One, in the book, "PRETTY NEAT - the buttoned-up way to get organized and let go of perfection" (which was co-authored by Alicia Rockmore and Sarah Welch, from 'Get Buttoned Up' ), is:

    I'll give you just a small glimpse of that chapter. This is the last paragraph on page six (6) of chapter one (1) {and for the record, no, due to this Vertigo, I did not read this far into the chapter. I'm using the pick a page, point and read method for now o;-b} :

    "Having an aha! moment is a crucial step towards embracing imperfect organization. By "aha!" we mean a moment of insight in which your intellectual and emotional centers simultaneously "get it", enabling you to let go of opposing thoughts that once caused tension and stress (such as, "I'm too busy to get x, y, and z organized, but I'm a failure if I don't get x, y, and z organized"). Aha's are the key to change. When you have one, you can let go of previous beliefs that once held you back and adopt new ones that will carry you forward in a more positive way. As a result, you're rewarded with a rush of relief and a general lightness of being."

    More of that realistic approach I am so in favor of  :-) .

   What "aha!" moments have you had that helped you set new standards? In what area of your life was the new standard set, and what is your new standard?  Remember, "The reader who submits the best tip ("organizational tip or short cut") across all participating blogs will also win $250.00."
   Or... leave an "organization tip or short-cut" (comment) about something totally different than what today's 'tidbit' is about. We just ask that you PLEASE leave one! o;-p

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    Reminder: use the "link" in the side bar of our blog, to go back to the original posting which introduced this book and the connected drawings. Then, leave your "organization tip or short-cut" (comment) under that posting. That way it will be counted for our overall number, and they will be sure and find it to consider it in drawing #2. :-)  Thanks!!! ;->

     Brian and Cheryl B.  from,  The Bz House That Love Built

1 comment:

  1. The reader who submits the best tip ("organizational tip or short cut") across all participating blogs will also win


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