We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

but I was so-o sure ...

    Many different times in postings,I have written something along the lines of, "If I were a betting women, which I'm not ...". And usually, I just plain am not. But the other day I veered from my usual practice because I was just so-o-o sure ....
    Yesterday Brent, Brain and I were talking about things we want to do to our house and yard. Actually, to be more accurate, Brian and Brent had already discussed ideas and plans between the two of them upon numerous occasions. I was attempting to tell Brian what I had told Brent the night before, about the ideas I had for everything. Brent, being his typical sassy self, kept interrupting (okay, so sometimes he did raise his hand and wave it frantically till my Vertigo could not handle it anymore and thus I 'granted him' permission to interrupt 8-p), trying to point out any and all errors in my ideas (most of which were just tongue in cheek opportunity's to poke fun at me). I was getting no where fast, but I was determined to get there non the less!
    One of the projects which needs done, is the trimming of our half dead trees. One tree in particular has huge very dead branches hanging out over the alley, thus over all kinds of wires and cables, and extends somewhat into a neighbor's driveway. We've been leery to tackle the project our self due to the wires and all. We've called both the city and some of the power/cable companies whom's wires/cables would go down if the limb does, but they will only take care of things if the limb actually does go down. So much for 'preventive maintenance'. We did get a couple of quotes for hiring it done by some company, but their prices rather sent our wallets into panic mode. So we're back to trying to figure out the safest way to tackle the situation ourselves.
    Brent's girlfriend's dad is the assistant manager for a sn_ _ plowing / lawn care company. Brent has helped them out by doing maintenance and repairs on several of their trucks and equipment, and thus is allowed to 'borrow' equipment, but only for personal use. Seeings how he lives here, it qualifies as 'personal use'.
    Brent had mentioned a couple of different pieces of equipment they had that would probably work good for our task. However, there is no way what-so-ever that any of us would even consider leaning a long ladder up against this very long, very dead branch/limb!!! Nope, nope, nope!!! So I suggested that we borrow my brother Bryan's "lift". I had also stated that while we had it, we should go ahead and use it to do the repairs on the window in the landing.
    Brent was "sure" that it was NOT an automatic/powered "lift", but that he did have scaffolding on wheels.
    But I was SURE it was an actual "lift", because one time when I was talking about the window, he had said we could borrow it to use ...
    "How could he have afforded a lift?!?!!!
    "How do any of us in this family afford half of the stuff we have? The Lord just leads us to the right deal at the right time, or we know somebody who knows somebody and our name comes up and ..."
    And on it went.
    Finally, in part because I was just so-o-o sure. And in part due to just how cocky/sassy Brent was being (his true pesty colors were definitely showing), I stated, "Fine, I'll bet you five dollars that he has a "lift".
    He was all over that like "hormonal girls on chocolate" ( a line the guys in this family like to snort out at times. I tell you, I get no respect!!! ;-p) He stuck his hand out demanding that I had to shake on it so I couldn't change what I had meant latter (like I said, I get no respect o;-p)
    Brian started moaning about how he can feel the money flying out of HIS wallet (so much for everything being "ours"), while snatching up the phone and calling my brothers house. He got the answering machine.
    Later my brother called back. Brent was right :-( But he also wasn't home at the time ...... Brian says that maybe he should make me work for the money to make sure I learn my lesson .... (o/~ "R-e-s-p-e-c-t, won't you please give some to me .... " o/~ o;-p)

    Yes, Brent will be getting paid the five dollars. So-o looking forward to that. NOT!!! o;-p


  1. Good morning. It was so nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by and visiting me. I hope that you come back again. I am glad that you liked my little bible verse. It is simple and it really describes me. I remember a few years ago, my mother was upset that I was inviting another family member to a gathering as she and they were not talking. Afterall, she thought as my mom, she should be given priority and a say in my guest list. I politely told her that anyone that enters my home, is my guest and all will always be treated as a guest should be treated. Now there are times I have to admit to not liking some of my husband's friends, but when they are in my home, they are my guests. Shouldn't we always act that way? Life would be a lot friendlier. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope to see you again.

  2. I want video footage of the this payment to be posted on youtube and linked to your site, just to prove you actually paid him :-P

  3. I love to bet but most times I lose! But taking a chance is so much fun!


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