We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a surprise :-)

     Rather late last evening, Brian and Brent had wandered into the kitchen and were in there talking. Benson and Brandon were both gone to their usual Monday evening spots. And Boo and I were still in the living room. Boo was sleeping. I was trying to stay awake by watching a show, waiting till Brian was ready to go up.
    I had the living room lights off due to how my head was dancing and my eyes were twitching. The light in the front entries staircase was on, so there was light besides the TV, but due to having done some paper / check book work, as well as a bunch of writing that afternoon, my stomach was feeling that my head was DONE!
     A tall thin body walked in through the darkened dining room and stopped at the entrance to the living room. Were my eyes deceiving me? Was that really Byron?!!! Wait - - he's clutching a pillow, and there's a bag over his shoulder .... Up I sprung as he started laughing.
    No, neither Cyndi nor Analyse are with him. How did he get here? Via the train. Did anybody know he was coming? A friend whom was picking him up from the train station and bringing him to the house. Oh, and Brent, whom had called him about a half hour before and Byron couldn't mask the sound of the trains horn ;-p
    Most likely he will be starting a new job this weekend, so coming home won't be a possibility for awhile. He knew Brian had switched to days and wanted to actually see him this time. And he knew that while his brothers are waiting to hear back from their own job interviews, they currently aren't working. So he wanted to come home for just a couple of days and "hang with my brothers like old times".
    Do you know what that does for this mom's heart?!!!! After all of those years of striving ever so hard to teach them that they were blessed to have one another, and yet daily (okay, some days it WAS hourly) struggling to keep them from killing one another .... Yeah, I'm misty eyed again (and just fine with being so!). Both Benson and Brandon arrived home shortly after Byron had got here, and to listen to the four of them and Brian talking, laughing, harassing one another .... oh did my heart sing!!! Thank-you Lord!!!!


  1. That is wonderful... My boys love one another and get along so well, I attribute that to them sharing a room Beaver and Wally style... Love...

  2. These comments were sent to us via emails:

    from Terri - "Isn't it fun to see our adult children really and finally enjoying each other???? "

    from Elizabeth B. - "It's always good to hear of the hope. :)"

    from Dad Bur. - "What a pleasant surprise for your family!!! Give him our love and enough to take back to Cyndi and Analyse!!!! Love you all, Dad"

    from Gloria - "WOO HOO!!! Sounds like you are having a good time. Sorry no grandaughter however. But to have the boys altogether is neat!!!"

    from Reva - "Aw, that's sweet! :)"

  3. I don't think siblings enjoy each other's company until they're almost 30yo. It is fun to watch brothers hanging out and having a good time.


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