We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Friday, November 19, 2010

(*Be-lated) Nov. 9th - "I'm Thankful for: "

     Being raised in a home by two parents, whom loved each other (or is the proper way to state that, "whom loved one another"?).
     I am not a part of the very high statistic of kids whom come from broken homes. In other words, my parents were married and they never divorced. Both of them however are such statistical kids. They both came from homes where divorces had taken place. But they both determined that that was not going to happen to them, and accordingly, they worked very hard at their marriage. And they were both well aware that it takes BOTH doing so, to truly make a marriage work.  
    My parents took their vows to love one another 'till death do us part' VERY SERIOUSLY! And they acted accordingly. They DID love one another till death parted them. And then my dad continued to love my mom. And still does. Yes, he also loves his new wife. And she is okay with him still loving my mom, because while she definitely loves my dad, her first husband still has a very special place in her heart as well.
     I am not saying that my parents always totally saw eye to eye on every little thing (let alone 'big' things). But for the most part, they worked through their different perspectives. Or they chose to back down and let the other person 'win', declaring what ever the difference was, as not that big of a deal.
    When we went on vacations, we all went together. When we went to visit my dad's side of the family, my mom was with us. Just like he went along when we visited her side. I never had to deal with which parent I was going to be with this weekend, or this holiday, or any of those other similar things that so many 'kids' have had to. And I am very thankful that I didn't!
     Thanks for all of the effort you put forth into loving your wife / my mom, Dad!!  I am also thankful that God has blessed you with another wife whom also loves you dearly!

[Yes, this is very *belated. Go HERE if you want to know why.]

The 2010 "I'm Thankful for: " Challenge   - if you don't know what this is, follow the lead on our side bar.


  1. came via email - "I think it's "who loved one another". :)


    The article above is kind of long, but if you skip down to the bottom where it says "quick and dirty tip" it gives you an easy way to tell.

    I know it wasn't the actual subject of your question, but I know you always like to say things the proper way. :) Hope you aren't offended...


    PS - I am thankful for this as well! But I am not going to post this today otherwise I'll look like I'm copying you. ;) But keep your eyes peeled..."

  2. came via email: "Cheryl, thank you for such a lovely testimony about our family! We (Mom & Me) may not have always made the right decisions, but we tried and wanted you kids to know that we LOVED you beyond a shadow of a doubt. I wish that I could tell you kids just how much Joan loves all of you—just like you were her birth children. I’m very thankful for that also.



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