The fact that God not only granted me my hearts desire and allowed me to be a mom, but he also allotted me the honor and privilege of becoming a grandma :->!!!
In the posting about being thankful for being a mom, I had written: "See, I ALWAYS wanted to be a mom!!! I was going to be the kind of mom who's kids wanted her around. The kind that always made things fun for her kids. The kind that made meals they looked forward to eating. The kind that ran a home smoothly. The kind that kept an orderly home. The kind who made sure love reigned in their home. To be honest, I wanted to be the kind of mom that every kid wished was their mom."
Well, you can take that a step further where being a grandma is concerned. I want(ed) to be the wonderful, warm hearted, jolly, good food making, ideal from books and movies, can't wait to get to grandma's house, type of grandma!
Our first grandchild is currently seventeen months old, and this being a grandma thing has exceeded my hopes!!!
Now true, it does help that of their own accord, most everybody we encounter comments about how adorable she is. They ARE right! And yes, I am biases.
It also helps that she is an adorable imp. ;-p. Recently Reva inquired just what an 'imp' is. Reva, I gave your question a lot of thought, as well as asking others their definitions, and the common answer boils down to being very cute and mischievous, usually stopping just teetering on the line of naughtiness.
No, I am not at all claiming that our adorable grand daughter is perfect. My eyes aren't that clouded over. o;-p . But often, you can't help but chuckle at her mischievousness. Though sometimes you do try to mask it from her.
But adorable and impy or not, I am VERY thankful to be a grandma! And the thing that just thrills my heart to no end, is the fact that Analyse (pronounced Auna-lease) genuinely seems thrilled to have me as her grandma. Here are two recent little instances, which seem (at least to me) to back up that claim. o;->
The first one happened when I was there visiting / helping them, shortly before the end of October. Her daddy (our eldest son) was sleeping due to having worked an over night shift. Her mommy (our daughter-in-love) was at work. So we were having some grandma/grandchild time. :-) (WooHoo!!!)
We had played for awhile, and worked at a project I was tackling, but then this grandma just needed to sit for a bit (vertigo effects) and Analyse had kept requesting to be allowed to watch her show - 'Yo Gabba Gabba'. Yes, requesting!!! If she can get a-hold of the TV remote, she'll point it towards the TV while excitedly muttering something 'Gabba Gabbaish' and start swaying her little hips. If she doesn't have the remote, she intensifies her jabbering and dancing while pointing at the TV. She gets very animated with her pleas!! (chuckle, chuckle).
So yes, grandma gave in to her requesting and turned it on. She just beams when it starts. She was standing in about the middle of the room, ever so intently watching and dancing with it, while I was sitting at one end of a couch, using their computer. Trust me, I was observing her as much as I was the computer screen! :-).
After a little bit, she turned her head to look back over her shoulder at me. I grinned at her. She then turned back towards the TV and yet started slowly backing up, every few inches glancing back again. So cute! Once she'd backed up about even with the couch, she scooted over till she was right next to my leg (the couch has recliners in each end) and then made sure her back was up tight against the couch. She grinned up at me, rested her little hand and arm on my out stretched leg, sighed, and then returned to watching the TV.
Let me tell you, this grandma's heart about burst with thrilledness!!!! Oh my goodness!!! I was ever so tempted to scoop her up and start kissing her, but chose to just enjoy her action of love the way it was, though I couldn't resist and covered her little hand with my own. She turned and BEAMED up at me, then returned to her show. My heart sang it's thanks to the Lord!!! :-D
The second instance happened while they were here visiting last week. As I've mentioned, I got the flu. And it intensified a lot of my vertigo symptoms. So at one point I headed upstairs in the middle of the day, because I just needed to lay down. Analyse had followed me to the staircase, and wasn't thrilled when I made her stay on the other side of the screen gate, but didn't fuss either.
I slowly made my way up the steps. When I got to the landing, I turned and looked back down at her. She started waving. So-o cute! "Good-night sweetheart, grandma loves you!!" She blew me a kiss! My heart swelled. My eyes misted. She had done these things of her own accord. Nobody was standing down there with her, nor calling instructions from the living room. I went the rest of the way up the staircase and into my bedroom beaming ear to ear. Oh Lord, thank-you for my grand daughter!!! Thank-you for allotting me the honor and privilege of becoming a grandma :->!!!
The 2010 "I'm Thankful for: " Challenge - if you don't know what this is, follow the lead on our side bar.
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