We have had lots of struggles and challenges in our lives, but we've had even more blessings!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov. 16th - "I'm Thankful for: "

    The fact that we now have U-Verse TV.
    Most of you will remember, that part of the 'deal' our younger two sons made with their father, when they chose to move back home and help us not lose the house, was that we would get some sort/form of cable TV.
    We had had it once when they were young. And there is quite a story behind that six month period of having it. The short version is, that the district manager herself appeared at our front door. We literally were the only house in that area with out some sort of cable service, and if she could get us signed up, she and her crew would receive amazing bonuses. Brian had had plenty of sales experience himself, so they bargained. We ended up guaranteeing to keep the service for the whole six months, and they gave it to us for five dollars a month for that time period. At the end of that time period, their price quadrupled and we didn't renew our contract for it.
    But that meant that we only got the basic local channels, and we didn't even actually get all of them in all of the time. And often, while it did come in, it took maneuvering the antenna on top of the TV to just the right spot for that day .... and believe it or not, it was me (yes, good ole mom) whom was the best at getting things in clear. I think it had a lot to do with patience in moving the ears, etc..
    Yup, we used our TV mainly via the VCR and later the DVD player.
    But the 'boys' had cable while living on their own and didn't want to give that up. It helped their case a whole lot that their dad had very often wished cable didn't cost money!!!
    So prices and services were checked and we ended up getting SBC's U-Verse installed. I had my concerns about it... about them spending hours on end watching it ... but they are all now adults ....
    The funny part is, that in great part due to my having had months on end of vertigo, and not being able to keep the letters on pages of books from dancing, or rooms from spinning when I move around much, it has turned out to be me who's watching the most TV. o;-p
    I found the show 'Monk' and enjoyed m-a-n-y an episode of it! Sometimes I watch good 'ole 'I Love Lucy', or 'Be-Witched' (come on now, ya gotta admit that there are just some times that you wish you could but twinkle your nose and make a situation change!!!). And my latest 'obsession' (as the males around here refer to it), is NCIS (the one with Mark Hammond and 'Ducky' and Abby).
    Via U-Verse, we can set the DVR box to record shows, either by only new broadcasts, or by any time and show. Yeah, that means that I'm not watching all of them in order. But I'm okay with that.
    But we can also record one time events. And we don't have to wait till that day, and make sure a blank tape is in the VCR machine, etc.. Like when I learned that the cast of 'The Sound Of Music' was doing a 40 year reunion on the 'Oprah Winfrey' show. I set the DVR to record it, and thourally enjoyed watching it when I got to it.
    'Pioneer Women' (Ree Drummand) let those of us who follow her blog know, that they are airing the episode of 'Throwdown with Bobby Flay' where she did a Thanksgiving Cook-off against 'The Iron Chef's' Bobby Flay tomorrow (Wed., Nov. 17th). The DVR is set to record it!
    The guys get quite a chuckle out of all of it. Originally, I had been very much against us getting a computer. Now look at me. And I wasn't thrilled with being given a cell phone, but will admit there have been times it's come in ever so handy. And now I am very glad that we have U-Verse. I wonder what technological gadget I'll learn to like next? o;-p  

~  :-)  ~  :-)  ~  :-)  ~  :-)  ~  :- ) ~
You might also enjoy this posting:
Boo and the Doorbell (about when the guy was here installing our U-Verse)

The 2010 "I'm Thankful for: " Challenge   - if you don't know what this is, follow the lead on our side bar.

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